Arezou Rezvani's article on CNN - Growing beef trade hits India's sacred cow
Good Article on how the Beef industry continues to grow in India, despite our claims of how sacred and inseparable both Gau mata and Lord GopalaKrishna are.
The key culprits here are the Hindu's - not the muslim's or christians or any others. They are the single most important reason as to why Cattle slaughter has reached the stage it has in India. The rest of the folks are mere opportunists - some to consume meat, some for leather, most of them - for the good money it delivers.
Why Hindu's are the prime reason :
Cattle are an inseparable part of each Hindu's household irrespective of which caste, creed, social or economic strata, he or she belongs to. There are sufficient references in ancient Hindu scriptures that most of the spiritual or religious activity a Hindu performs is incomplete without cattle, especially the cow.Despite such spiritual significance, the cow is given least importance in their life. Though most Hindu families would have owned atleast a few dozen cattle just a few decades back, now close to 90 - 95 % (good guess) of them do not even own one cow. Cattle rearing has become an activity limited only cowherds and milk diaries, both who look after cows for money.
While most Hindu families still hold the cow or Gau Mata (Mother Cow) as its fondly called in high esteem, most of them :
- Do not own cattle
- Are not involved in rearing cattle
- Do not support saving cattle that are sent for slaughter
- No active participation in Protests that seek ban on Cow slaughter
- Are not concerned about sick, old, infertile cattle, bulls and oxen.
- Seek to enjoy benefits - Milk, Dairy products, Leather, Cow Dung, Urine etc.,
- But do not seek to contribute to the cause even in a minimal way
- Are not even aware of the challenges
- And the few who are aware, chose to do nothing apart from sighing
Other communities are not far behind :
"Do to your neighbor ...."
But our brothers from other mothers (religions) think otherwise. While they claim to be minorities, they fail to understand that they need to be respectful about the majority's religious beliefs and take definitive steps to gain their respect and love."And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise" Luke 6:31
Most non-hindu Indians would not think twice before openly discussing beef, cooking the same in Hindu neighborhoods, selling / buying beef etc., India's humiliated and repressed majority often sulks and sinks back without retort or retaliation. For how long is the question ? Aren't we are all too familiar with what happens afterwards ?
Pseudo Secular Media
There is an affliction that particularly the Indian press suffers from. It is called as SECULARISM. It should be read as pseudo secularism. This goes back probably to the early 70's - introduced perhaps by well meaning people. But now in its gargantuan proportions, its roots and side effects have a totally different objective, vision and mission altogether.
Implicitly put, the pressure they are able to wield on India's pseudo intelligentsia cannot even be estimated. India has turned out to be in recent times, a country that has buried its originality 6 feet under and often looks up to libertarian or free thinking views (read as western press) to shape its rapidly changing societal climate.
There have been multiple email forwards on how the Indian press house's are controlled by various faces that eventually lead back - primarily to different branches of the Christian church and Islamic powers. While such information may need to be ratified, it may be surprisingly true -given, the battering Right Wing Hindu groups, get by these channels and newspapers.
Great start... keep it going Chaitra... nice one...
Great start... keep it going Chaitra... nice one...
Surprisingly, beef is eaten by Hidus now. I dont know how this stupid & Evil trend has creeped into our Society!
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